
Salvation IV Hangover Cure

Do you have a major hangover with nausea, headache, dizziness, and that “curl up and die feeling?” If so, you should consider our most popular package, the gold standard in hangover cures. It takes about 45 minutes and includes:

1. 750ml of hydration
2. IV Vitamins and Antioxidants
3. IV Headache Medicine
4. IV Nausea Medicine
5. IV Anti-heartburn medicine

Best Liver Support Pills To Support Your Body

What used to be called Hangover Pills or Hangover Cures by consumers are now only allowed to be called “Liver Support Pills” or similar.  The FDA and Germany have declared hangovers to be true medical conditions which has changed the landscape for nutritional supplements in this industry.  The best liver support pills are going to have vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and products that support your body’s natural inflammation response. All of these ingredients are important to supporting your body while having a great night out. At Mobile Medical Bus, we only use high-grade ingredients and never add sugar.